DLG chooses 60 driver-oriented DAF XG 480 FTP tractors through BEST Trucks

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Hoek van Holland/Barendrecht, December 2021 - DLG (Daily Logistics Group) is renewing a significant portion of its fleet. With the purchase of 60 well-equipped International Truck of the Year 2022 New Generation DAF XG 480 FTP tractors, DLG is also solidifying its decades-long good relationship with the Dutch truck brand. In addition to standard business-economic considerations (such as price, service intervals, and TCO), DLG, alongside the generously spacious XG cabins, opts for an extensive driver-focused equipment and safety package. The delivery of the new tractors will take place gradually throughout 2022 via the BEST Trucks branch in Oude Tonge, the dealer responsible for maintenance through a pre-established contract.

Replacement and deployment

The new 3-axle tractors will replace an equivalent number of existing vehicles and will be deployed across various segments of the (inter)national logistics service provider's operations. Ingmar Coppoolse is closely involved in the selection and acquisition process on behalf of DLG. "DLG has a longstanding relationship with DAF Trucks. It is a reliable brand with favorable TCO, good service, and, importantly for us, the right products offering ample interior space and a modern appearance. DAF consistently ranks high among many of our drivers, and with this New Generation featuring the larger XG cabin and enhanced equipment, that satisfaction is bound to grow. It's no secret: good drivers are scarce, and to make them as comfortable as possible, we are now opting for a safe, spacious, and comfortable vehicle. This will greatly appeal to both our existing drivers, many of whom have their assigned vehicles, and new drivers joining our team."

Advanced technologies

DLG equips the newly acquired DAF tractors with the latest technologies, including a quiet, fuel-efficient, and powerful MX-13 engine with 355 kW/483 hp combined with an MX Engine brake, Digital Vision System (cameras instead of mirrors), and features designed for driver comfort, such as Stand air conditioning, a luxurious driver's seat, matching cabin finishing, and an audio-infotainment system with luxury speaker set. The mentioned new XG cabin provides additional interior space both front and rear.

Adaptations for the UK market

As a significant part of DLG's operating area lies in the United Kingdom, a quarter of the tractors are equipped with the Kerb View Window (window at the bottom of the right door). In combination with a slanted Vison dashboard and a larger windshield, this currently achieves a 3-star rating within the Direct Vision Standard for London. Once the requirements for a higher rating are known, dealer BEST Trucks can easily make the necessary adjustments. Five of the DAF XG tractors have a sliding fifth wheel and a directly driven PTO, as part of the DRS/Carrier system with the power generator for reefer containers.

Seamless logistical solutions

DLG always opts for solutions that seamlessly fit within its logistical model when acquiring new equipment. The company's operations range from domestic to internationally conditioned transport, including containers and utilizing all available modalities.

Navigating Brexit challenges

After a thorough and meticulous preparation, DLG successfully navigated the challenges of the first year post-Brexit, adapting to the changed rules and requirements, including the ongoing challenges with drivers. Consequently, DLG is increasingly offering dedicated services for groupage and full-load transport to/from England. Flexible, familiar, and accompanied conditioned transport with a service-oriented approach. This is why DLG continues to search for experienced and motivated England drivers who find a new DAF XG tractor appealing as their workplace.


With this acquisition, DLG takes a significant step in rejuvenating and making more sustainable its approximately 200-unit multi-brand vehicle fleet, which also includes about 450 towed units and 125 proprietary 45 ft. reefer containers. Maintenance is outsourced, in part through contracts, to the respective dealers. To accommodate seasonal influences, DLG employs a flexible pool of motor units and towed equipment.

New DAF XG 480 FTP tractors through BEST Trucks
New DAF XG 480 FTP tractors through BEST Trucks